Your Account

Account Types

There are a few different types of user accounts:

  • Researchers may upload, annotate, keyword and flag resources. Researchers can edit resources they've uploaded and delete annotations they've personally made.

  • Sr. Researchers are researchers that can delete any user's annotations and freely edit any resource.

  • Administrators can invite new users to ARCS, permanently delete resources, and change the account type of other users. There should be at least one administrator in your organization.

Getting an Account

Getting an ARCS account is by invitation only. If your organization is already using ARCS, ask for an invite.

If not, ARCS is an open-source software project that can be freely downloaded at [link] and put to use for your organization.

When you receive an invitation email, follow the link to the registration page and create your account.


Your Profile

Setting your profile image

ARCS uses Gravatar for profile images, which can read more about here. If you already have a Gravatar, we'll automatically display it. If not, and you'd like one, you can sign up here; however you have to be sure to use the same email address you used for signing up for ARCS.

Checking your profile page

You can see your profile page by clicking on your name. Here, you can view, and edit the information ARCS has for you, as well as the resources you’ve uploaded, annotations you have created, resources you have flagged as problematic, discussions items you have made, and your collections.

Changing your password

You can change your password at any time by navigating to your profile page and clicking Edit Account. Fill in a new password and click Save.


Deleting Account

You cannot delete your own account in ARCS because your contributions are extremely important for the success of the platform. However, if you no longer wish to be part of the particular ARCS iteration you're participating in, please request the administrator to deactivate your account. Your account will not be deleted, but rather deactivated. This is to ensure that the contributions you made to the research project are not lost with your account.